It’s Been a While

Well, it’s been a little over two years, but I’m back. Didn’t I say this was (and still is) a work in progress? Part of why this site is in existence is so that I could experiment with WordPress and be sure I could use it for another site. another is so that, should I want to blog, I can.

i’m writing this time from my iPhone in conjunction with a Braille display which also has input keys. No touch-screen typing this time. I wanted to be sure I could post in this manner in the future and I also wanted to see how geo-tagging works. I am excited to see how far along WordPress has come within the last two years. Distractions came along, as they often do, and I have learned a lot because of them and feel I am even better equipped to handle content/site creation now.

I’ll end my post here, but know that more is to come and I shall do my very best to keep it reasonably interesting.


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I love tech, friends, social networking, outdoors, food/cooking, coffee, and that's just scratching the surface.

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